Weird case....



Got a case of a Seagate with burned PCB a few days ago. The client only file interest was on a SQL database file (he said, very very important).

Got the PCB swaped, ROM, etc and imaged the drive with some bad sectors but nothing very complicated.
After the image, I went on the search of the file and I couldn't found it.... Strange. I could see all the file tree and only that file was not there.
I called the client, and he confirmed that the file have that name, blah, blah, blah.
So, another search, RAW search, etc. Two more days on searching, until I called the client again telling him I couldn't get the DB.
I went to my lab, and I showed him what I found. After a while browsing the files, he said: I think the DB is being saved on another HDD, not this one....

WTF??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
After a few hours, he called to say that the DB was really on another HDD.
I still charged the guy with the value agreed before and he also agreed to pay :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Congrats on getting paid! I had that happen once; the customer thought he had the correct drive because that's what the PC repair shop returned to him after they said they couldn't recover his data. It had Linux file residuals but no sign of Windows files or user data. IIRC, he had two drives in the PC and they gave him one that was sitting, unconnected, inside the case, but forgot to return the system drive. Fortunately, they still had the other drive and his data was recovered.


Yes it really goes to show that computing is getting complicated now. With iCloud/dropbox/google drive/etc, many people don't know what they have or don't have, or where it is saved.

I had the same thing, twice, from a computer shop that outsources to me. He gave me a drive, I was surprised it was an easy recovery -image and recover, though after I found the drive worked perfectly. their client says "wtf, these are not my files.". After a while of the PC Shop saying I must have mixed up the drives, he finds the correct one. 2 weeks later, exactly the same thing happens, though I record everything he gives me and tells me now, he still somehow gave me the wrong drive.

I think the funniest thing I had was called into an organisation to "find" a couple of servers. A new IT guy could not find them, turns out there was a blade server with 2 VMs :)