Seagate ST31000DM001


New member
I purchase same firmware different date and I swap PCB but no luck. Is there a way to read cFeon S40-756IP 131A13EC and copy to new PCB?

Also original PCB was reading very slowly whe. It was working. I.e. 20GB took 5 hours to copy. Is that head issue or it is Media problem?


Staff member
The problem never had anything to do with the PCB in the first place. These drives have issues with the media cache and bad sector reallocation functions. It can be fixed by modifying some settings in the firmware, but you'll probably need a PC-3000 tool to even unlock the TTL port.


New member
I reach to the point where I can connect to TTL port. What is the command I have to issue to fix media cache and reallocation issue.


First you should post the terminal log.
Don't start sending commands like crazy or you might damage it even more.


New member
Not sure what I need to put but here is the boot output and some commands:

Boot 0x40M
Spin Up

Spin Up

(P) SATA Reset

ASCII Diag mode

F3 T>

Control + a

Prod Desc: GrenadaBP15 LuxorPlus2 4K, GPG1 clone DFW
Package Version: GPX17DCCD2DC0CALCC29
Serial #: W1F4XXWX
Changelist: 00610906
Model #: ST3000DM001-1CH166
ID: 100

Control + l

GrenadaBP15 LuxorPlus2 4K, GPG1 clone DFW
Product FamilyId: 58, MemberId: 03
HDA SN: W1F4XXWX, RPM: 7199, Wedges: 188, Heads: 6, OrigHeads: A, Lbas: 00002BB5
420C, PreampType: B4 03
Bits/Symbol: C, Symbols/UserSector: BEB, Symbols/SystemSector: 1A5
PCBA SN: 0000E4316GB, Controller: LUXORLPLUS_2_0( 203)(FF-FF-FF-F, Channel: STX_
DUNRAVEN, PowerAsic: Unknown Rev 00, BufferBytes: 4000000
Package Version: GPX17DCCD2DC0CALCC29 , Package P/N: 100740045, Package Globa
l ID: 00006566,
Package Build Date: 10/06/2013, Package Build Time: 09:42:31, Package CFW Versio
n: GPX1CCD20061090600006566,
Package SFW1 Version: D719, Package SFW2 Version: ----, Package SFW3 Version: --
--, Package SFW4 Version: ----
Controller FW Rev: 10060942, CustomerRel: CC29, Changelist: 00610906, ProdType:
GPX1CCD2, Date: 10/06/2013, Time: 094231, UserId: 00006566
Servo FW Rev: D719
TCG IV Version: n/a
Package BPN: 18
RAP FW Implementation Key: 16, Format Rev: 0004, Contents Rev: 71 01 09 00
QNR Container: 0
- Quadradic Equation AFH enabled
- VBAR with adjustable zone boundaries enabled
- Volume Based Sparing enabled
- IOEDC enabled
- IOECC enabled
- DERP Read Retries enabled v 47010000000000000017
- LTTC-UDR2 disabled
- SuperParity disabled
- Humidity Sensor disabled
- Background Reli Activity Critical Event Logging disabled