Hilarious DFL Youtube Video


Staff member
Has anyone else here ever tried watching the videos from DFL? Such as this one:


I know their tools show some promise, but I can't help but get that Salvation Data feeling when I watch this. :lol:


I've watched many videos and read many PDFs from DFL, and they are very helpful in getting to know how to use their tools (and a little about data recovery in general). My only complaint with their videos, is sometimes the speed is too fast and the player doesn't have a feature to reduce the speed (depending on the encoding used). Also, it would help if all of their videos were narrated (by a native English-speaker), and came with matching PDFs that explain what they have illustrated in the video. They are marketing primarily to people/businesses just getting into data recovery, whose market or circumstances do not justify the major investment required for a PC3K, DDI4, proper training, etc. Combined with their forum, I think they do an excellent job of addressing their target market. Their products are far from perfect, but also not as bad as many suggest. At least they try very hard and are committed to improvements and fixing bugs.

You can mock and ridicule all you like, but I don't think that's very helpful or professional. They meet the needs of many people like myself and for that I'm grateful.


I must agree with Larry on this one too.
Although their tools are not perfect, the team listens and always try to help.
They always try to improve the tools to be the best they can do.
Maybe (I don't know) DFL got some guys from SD, but they don't have the same ideas of just selling and leaving the client with the tools on their hands. At least until now.


Staff member
I'm not trying to bash their tools, I realize their tools seem to be shaping up quite nicely. But, videos like this one just don't inspire confidence in me. Reminds me too much of the old Salvation Data YouTube channel and training materials. :eek:

Frighteningly similar.