HDD Head Keeper Pro..


I return them to the donor, where I can get the adaptives and drive details when needed. I wonder if they are made of static-dissipation material? I always thought that letting heads contact each was likely to damage the heads? I have to wonder about the wall full of HSAs on the drivestar.biz website data recovery page.


Staff member
For a while I had some plastic trays I had picked up at the container store. They looked sort of like this: http://www.containerstore.com/s/collect ... 714C525F59

But, quickly couldn't keep up with the number of heads out of their original drives. So now, I just put the original bad heads in the donor (leaving the spacers in place for easy removal. Then after imaging is complete with donor heads, I re-assemble the client drive and re-assemble / re-test the donor after to see if the heads are still good, and put it in storage for possible future use.

Though if the client heads are mangled, I may just put them aside until the project is done and I'm ready to re-assemble.


Me too, after imaging is done, donor heads goes back to donor drive. Like Larry wrote , it is easy for later use.
It's better heads to stay in hdd inside and on the shelf, like this one in plastic container maybe if there is few same drives in waiting line for head replacement.