WD MyCloud REST API database file extraction script


MyCloud devices don't use a simple, flat filesystem like other external drives, they store files with random-seeming names and directory structures. If your MyCloud is not functioning, you will need to read the SQLite database on the device to determine the original file structure.

SQLite database is stored in /restsdk/data/db/index.db. Inside the DB two main tables appear to be of interest, FILES and ImageTrans. FILES lists each file with a unique ID (primary key) and a ContentID (the name of the file when stored on the filesystem) along with the file name "My important picture.jpg" and some other metadata. I believe ImageTrans is only for thumbnailing purposes but I could be wrong about that. Importantly, the entries in FILES have a "parent" attribute which places each file in a directory structure. This script totally ignores ImageTrans.

This script reads the database and a dump of the filesystem and copies the data to another location with the correct filenames and structures. This script is intended for a Linux machine where you already have the file structure and database extracted. This won't work on Windows. I know it's ugly and inefficient, I am new to python. This is tested and working with Python 3.6.

If this script has helped you, please consider contributing some tips and tricks of your own on the forums : D.


  • restsdk_public.py.zip
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