Fake Seagate Drives in Nigeria

Hello Guys

I received an External Hard Drive for Recovery today, on opening up the drive... guess what i found ?? ......A Flash Drive

Thank God I opened it in front of the Client...It would have been a serious case..

Its written 1TB but its reading just 60GB.. When are we going to stop seeing this trash in Nigeria ?? it really annoying
that China is making this to grow their economy..


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Staff member
Yes, I've yet to see one here but these are very common on Ebay. I don't think China is the issue, it's just criminals on Ebay. They spoof the capacity of the thumb drive to make it appear as a larger drive. At first it seems to work as normal so the customer doesn't notice in time to put in a claim with Ebay. By the time they notice it (after it's full and starts looping back and writing over the same memory area) it's too late and the criminals already have a new Ebay account.

If they want to catch them all they need to do is look to see who's buying up empty external HDD cases on Ebay.


I have already got is some fake flash drives, claiming to be 128GB and costing 10$ ehhehe