LED:000000CC FAddr:0025C5CF Ideas?


Staff member
So I've got this really frustrating Moose family Seagate I'm fighting with today.

Model: ST31000340NS

Original symptoms: Spins up, sounds like a normal bit of accessing at first (nothing in terminal shows up)
Then it starts clicking (still nothing in terminal).
After about 40-50 clicks it sounds like normal accessing again for a few seconds (during which I can get F3 T> for a split second in terminal)
Then it clicks again for a few seconds, spins down, and finally reports error LED:000000CC FAddr:0025C5CF

I've changed heads with a perfectly matched donor (I did manage to read preamp once so I know it's the same)
Same exact symptoms.

I've tried blocking the motor contacts and attempting to get terminal access, but I get absolutely nothing in terminal.

I even tried a different PCB, same thing. Tried deactivating different heads...same thing.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm guessing there's some screwed up module in SA but I can't come up with a way to even attempt the diagnosis since I can't get any terminal access.


Staff member
Currently, I'm working on trying to get terminal by shorting read channel, but so far no go.


Staff member
Update, OK, I finally managed to get SA access via ATA (still nothing in terminal at all) by shorting the read channel and doing the LED:000000CC fix option.

Seems I can read all modules fine, so I know heads are good. But, it's now showing 0 capacity and I can't regenerate translator.

Now when it finally stops clicking and comes ready I'm getting this error: RAP subfile error 2041


Staff member
OK, finally got the translator sorted out. This drive now IDs and has sector access. It takes about 10 minutes of clicking before it comes ready, but it's at least possible to access data now.

Now to see if it'll be possible to read the necessary data within this lifetime.

Update: After fixing up the SA a bit more, I've now got it reading at 15Mb/s with only a few areas of bad sectors in the lower LBAs it seems. Good enough for me.

Case closed :D


Staff member
I'm guessing it's media damage in the SA. It took about 6-7 minutes to clear SMART and about 10 minutes to do the regular translator regeneration that normally takes 30 seconds. Had to do it all manually through hand typed terminal commands. PC-3000 would time out way before the changes actually took effect. It took a few tries, but I finally also managed to modify system file 93 and disable all background processes, media cache, etc. After that, the drive takes several minutes of clicking to come ready, but it's stable after that.

Reading by bitmap over 99% of the data is now recovered.