Any Real Need For Module 13 Overlay?


Staff member
I'm putting together my collection of LDRs from all the WD Marvell families. I know we need module 11, and for certain families like Diablo 3D, Diablo 3S, Sadle G6, Sadle 2D, Trails, Dragon, and Tressels we also need module 5C.

Module 13 is also an overlay (transient I think), but I can't seem to remember ever actually needing it for anything loader related.

Anyone know if we need this module? I'm just trying to figure out if I should include it in the zip files.


I know that we need/could use it on some families. 5c, 13 and 11. Can't remember now (I have it written somewhere ehehehe)
I'll try to find it tomorrow (11:22pm here now, time to bed).