Skype Seems to Have Been Hacked


Staff member
It's not making any headlines yet, but I'm pretty certain that Skype has been hacked. I've been getting SPAM messages from several contacts today with links to some redirect link to sell some brain boost formula junk. At first I just figured it was probably the result of a spammy app on their phones. But, then I got one sent from my wife's account. She only uses Skype on her computer, doesn't have it on her phone or any mobile device. Her computer is running a freshly installed copy of Windows 10 (100% virus free). And, to boot, she's not even logged into Skype at all.

So the message was sent from her account, but not from her computer at all.

So if you use the same password for Skype as you do for anything important I'd recommend you change it right away.