Rollback partition map?


New member

I have a harddrive that was used as the primary boot disk for a Mac running High Sierra. The harddrive was accidentally QUICK formatted. Is there anyway to have the drive try to detect the actual partition map to try to recover the entire file system? I remember the harddrive had a Core Storage partition (if that helps). I don't remember if FileVault was enabled, but I don't think so.

I am a programmer so I can follow technical instructions, but data recovery and administration of volumes is certainly not something I have significant experience in. Any help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help,


Staff member
A quick format doesn't just modify the partition table, it creates a new HFS cabinet file which completely overwrites the original one. Most, if not all, of your file names and folder structure are totally nuked now. The only possibility of "rollback" is from a backup (which I assume you don't have). Even data recovery software will likely only be able to get back nameless files recovered by their type by file carving. Were it a Windows NTFS formatted drive, this would be a different story, but not with MacOS where it's mostly all stored in that one cabinet file.