Does Model Matter For WD LDR?


Staff member
Does anyone know if the model really matters for using an LDR so long as it's the same family and consolidated ROM version?

Only reason I ask, is that I'm considering putting together a consolidated pack of ldr's for each family and not sure if I just need to do one of each version or one for each model & version


Staff member
OK, so after doing some digging I've discovered that the LDR module is only specific to the consolidated ROM version. Going to a different model or even a different capacity drive makes no difference. If the ROM version is the same, module 11 is always the same.

I think I'm going to start consolidating WD families into collections of LDR's by ROM version. Might make this whole process a lot faster, and then as new ones pop up we can just post in the appropriate family.


New member
You're saying Model and capacity don't matter. But I'm guessing that family still matters?

EDIT: I'm asking if anyone has tried a matching ROM F/W version from a different family.


Staff member
Yes, I went through and compared a bunch of them within the same family but different' models/capacity and module 11 is all the same just as long as it's the same family and consolidated ROM version. I didn't check every family, but enough that I'm satisfied it doesn't matter in most cases. That's why I just started my collection of family based ldr's using just the consolidated ROM.